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海逸豪庭(和记黄埔)Hai Yi Hao Ting (Hutchison Whampoa )(2014)
来源: | 作者:aseaexpo | 发布时间: 2015-12-07 | 814 次浏览 | 分享到:
 Guangdong International Auto Exhibition & Trade Fair
展会时间: 2014年4月30日—5月3日
Time:         April 30- May 3, 2014
展会地点: 东莞厚街- 广东现代国际展览中心
Venue:    Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center 
展会简介: 东莞国际车展历年来都是各大汽车厂商十分重视的华南区域市场销售平台,今年也同样不例外。很多一线、进口品牌也将新车的华南区首发乃至全国首发放在了第十四届东莞国际车展上,新车云集,各款新车粉墨登场、争奇斗艳。
   Introduction:  Auto show attracted a total 90 exhibitors models nearly 1000 cars, a visit to the total traffic of 209000, after six days of exhibition and trading, clinch a deal the cumulative reserve a car 11690, clinch a deal amount more than 2.7 billion yuan. In addition, during the auto show gathered nearly hundred of more than three hundred news media reporters to the scene.

 Guangdong International Auto Exhibition & Trade Fair
展会时间:  2014年9月29日—10月4日  
Time:         September 29- October 4,2014
展会地点: 东莞厚街- 广东现代国际展览中心  
Venue:      Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center

     展会简介: 本届车展除了整车品牌外,和记黄埔地产、汇景地产、鼎峰地产、金地地产等知名房地产开发企业均携旗下项目亮相本届车展,吸引观众极大兴趣,”在车展卖房“收获颇丰。
   Introduction:  The  auto show "Autumn" in Dongguan,  in the auto show has been successfully held 13 sessions conducted on the basis of a new upgrade, exhibition area of 130000 square meters, attracted a total of more than 90 brands at home and abroad.
